Freddie Gray 2015

(Devin Allen photo/freddie gray death)

A day in the life. If you are a black man and you do something wrong or DON'T do something wrong, this happens.  And although the medical examiner and city found it was a homicide , Trump's bitch William Barr took over the case  - the US DOJ  - and the charges were dropped.  I threw up from crying that day.

My white half brother was pulled over for driving after suspension for a DWI - driving while intoxicated.  He called me from the scene - 3 blocks away in a 5 degree day, and asked me to walk up and drive the car while he waits with the officer.

The cop apologized to my half brother and off we went.  I wanted to leave him there but no matter what I did his skin would stay white and nothing would happen to him.
