(Note: I was crying as I wrote this)
On June 27th a 25 year old black man was shot to death in Akron Ohio and his name was Jayland Walker.
Do you know that Google just spell corrected his name as I am voice typing? It’s THAT big of a deal So why am I standing alone on the corner of a busy street holding up a sign that says JUSTICE FOR JAYLAND and people don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about?
We should be outraged because:
A black man is pulled over in a routine traffic stop for what, we do not know.
He jumps out of his car and starts to run when he sees EIGHT COPS chasing him wearing a ski mask - why? We do not know..
When the first bullet is discharged, Jayland goes down. And eight cops fired over 90 shots into that mother’s son laying on the ground. In 6 seconds they fired NINETY shots the force of which was calling his body to roll back and forth. One officer is seen on many of the body cams yelling CEASE FIRE three times and waving his hands after the first shot. But they did not cease. White smoke begins to cloud everything as 90 shots are fired nearly at the same time - it sounded like a bunch of little boys lighting full strings of fire crackers on 4th of July.
Then the body cam footage on all 8 cops plus the other 4 who showed up because you need 12 cops for a traffic violation STOPS.
It stops.. There is no footage after the execution.
He arrived at the coroner with handcuffs on his dead body and SIXTY bullet holes in it from his face to his feet and I am certain that the blood pool will tell us that they cuffed a dead man.
A 25 year old young man died this way.
And I stood there alone with that sign…and no one knew who he was.
773 days ago, we watched George Floyd call for his mother as he took his last breath under the knee of a psychotic cop who was sentenced this week to 21 years in prison.
I am certain that Jayland Walker cried out for his mother with his last breath which is without a doubt, the loneliest sound in the moment in this universe.
The DOJ will get involved. Black protesters will be treated VERY differently than white insurrectionists, Reverend Al can go on tv and I am telling you...
It will mean nothing.
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